Save our souls Maarten Inghels © Lieven Geuns

© Lieven Geuns

Art on the Meuse

Between 2022 and 2024, both temporary and permanent artworks will appear on the Flemish bank in open space, making you look at the landscape in a different way, and at themes such as border blurring, river dynamics or the large-scale gravel industry. Artists from home and abroad are invited to realise new work, in close cooperation with local actors and the project partners (Z33, house for contemporary art, architecture and design in Hasselt, and RLKM).

Art on the Meuse enjoys the support of the 5 Flemish Meuse municipalities, Tourism Flanders, De Vlaamse Waterweg and FoCi (fund for cultural infrastructure)

Tree of Life - Herbricht

The first permanent artwork rose on a flood refuge just outside the hamlet of Herbricht. Artist Mark Dion (USA) paid tribute to the dazzling history (and future) of the Meuse Valley with his ‘Tree of life’. The branches of this ‘tree of life’ contain species that became extinct or have just returned. Watch the video by Mark Dion or local ambassador Rudi Smeets on the Kunst aan de Maas website.

A small trail was worked out for families along some Maas boulders with assignments.

With thanks to Limburgs Landschap.

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